Jessica is IYI-200 trained yoga teacher and multi-disciplinary artist, working across installation, performance, sound and video (more info here). She discovered, whilst studying with Sheila Whittaker, that her two vocations meet with the gong. She now performs gong baths regularly at the Chamomile Clinic, alongside teaching yoga at Hotpod Yoga Margate and Heavy Breathing (yoga to drone metal, noise and heavy ambient, more information below).
“It was like time travel, 90 minutes that felt like 15. My mind raced and calmed. The louder the gong, the clearer I felt. I felt refreshed.” Claire Goodall
For the newcomer, gong baths are unlike anything you have ever experienced before. Think guided meditation, with waves of sound rather than words. A deeply transformative experience – be it relaxing or energising – driven by powerful, sonic vibrations that hush the chattering mind. Sleep better and think clearer, buoyed by the sound of the gong. You can find her on Instagram, as @gonggrrrl.
“Took me out of this world.” Katie Welsford
“Wowzers! Best gong bath ever!” Megan Metcalf
£60, 50 min session for one person
£80, 50 min session for two, three or four people
£100, 50 min session for five people or more
These prices are for sessions at the Chamomile Clinic in Margate, home visits are also available (additional travel fee applies).
07876 752 382
Heavy Breathing …
… is yoga to a soundtrack of drone metal, noise and heavy ambient music (over a nice PA), in the beautifully lit basement of a lovely record shop called Elsewhere.
YOU DO NOT NEED TO HAVE PRACTISED YOGA BEFORE. Heavy Breathing is for everyone, no experience necessary!
Drone metal, noise and heavy ambient is deeply meditative music that makes your insides shake. Think sustained, repeated, textured sounds: Sun O))), William Basinski, Francisco Lopez etc. etc. etc.
We will be practising a variation of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga. No worries if that means nothing to you.
Important info
The class lasts for 60 minutes.
We are going to keep it small, so numbers are strictly limited.
The class cost £7.
If you have a mat, please bring it. If you would like to borrow a mat, please let me know and I will bring you one.